Consent to treatment or surgery

Please complete the online consent form below the day before your pet’s surgery. If you have any questions which you would like to ask, please type these into the form. On the day please come into the reception and let the team know that you have arrived.

Consent to treatment or surgery

For the day of the procedure
For consent confirmation
In the case of an insurance company declining cover, I accept liability for the fees incurred(Required)
I hereby give permission for the administration of a general anaesthetic and appropriate drugs to the above pet for the procedure which they are booked in for, together with any other procedures which prove necessary. I understand that all anaesthetic and surgical procedures pose a risk to the pet and that we cannot foresee any associated complications. I understand that Thrums Vets shall do all they can to contact me if any different treatment is recommended but if unable to do so shall do what they think is in the best interest of the above pet.(Required)
I understand the fasting advice for my pet from 11pm before the procedure?(Required)
Does your pet have any health problem or allergies that we are unaware of? *(Required)
Is your pet booked in to be neutered?(Required)
Is your pet on any medication?(Required)
Have you been given an estimated cost for this procedure?(Required)
Please note: as a training practice, Student Veterinary Nurses may be involved in the care of your pet under the observation or guidance of Registered Veterinary Nurses. Student Veterinary Surgeons may be involved in the care of your pet under the observation of qualified Veterinary Surgeons.

By signing below you are agreeing that you are the owner of the above named animal or are authorised by the owner and that you acknowledge that payment for this procedure is due at the time of discharge.