New Pets App

At Thrums we are always looking to improve our services. All of our clinical team do extra training every year so that we can offer our patients better care, keeping them as healthy and comfortable as possible. There is always new research, treatments and procedures which help us do this.
We also like to keep an eye on what we can do you help not just our patients, but you, our clients, so that we can offer you an even better service, and so, as of next week we are going to start to roll out something new.

It’s called PetsApp.

This is a simple app for you to download onto your phone which will allow you to communicate directly with the practice in a simple easy way. It will allow you to send us a quick message if you would like to make an appointment, order medication or even just have a small query answered. You can even send us a picture or video, directly from your phone and we can hopefully allay any worries you have, quickly and efficiently. We can even do video consultations through this app if this makes your life a little easier during the Covid restrictions. You will always be messaging the team directly at Thrums. You won’t be put through to any external agency.

What do you need to do?

At the moment, nothing. We will do all the work for you.
Starting next week, we will begin sending text messages inviting you to download the app onto your phone. Once downloaded and registered, you can follow the instructions and make use of this simple easy piece of technology, so that access our services is even easier.

We will be starting with our Practice Plan members and then gradually inviting the rest of our clients during the month of August.

PetsApp will make both your and our life’s a little easier so when you get the invitation to join, have a look, sign up and say hello.

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