The Geriatric Horse

According to a recent survey conducted by the Veteran Horse Society, over 30% of horses in the United Kingdom are now over the age of 15. This significant percentage reflects the improvements in geriatric horse care, with advancements in veterinary technology, better nutritional options, and more informed management practices. As a result, it is increasingly common to see horses living active, healthy lives well into their 20s and even 30s.

As our horses grow older, the bond we share with them often deepens. These loyal companions have likely given us years of dedicated service, whether in competition, work, or simply as cherished friends. Over time, they become more than just animals—they become integral members of our families. This emotional connection heightens our responsibility to ensure their well-being as they age, making it crucial for us to understand the unique needs that arise during their senior years.

With advancing age, horses become more vulnerable to various health issues. Their immune systems may weaken, making them more susceptible to diseases and infections. The effects of parasitism, which might have been managed in their younger years, can now pose more significant threats. Dental problems often emerge as their teeth wear down, leading to difficulties in chewing and digesting food properly. Additionally, the efficiency of their body systems decreases, affecting everything from digestion to circulation.

Compounding these challenges are age-related disorders that can affect older horses, such as arthritis, metabolic conditions, and cognitive decline. As a responsible horse owner, it is essential to provide your geriatric horse with a balanced diet tailored to their specific needs, along with consistent healthcare and appropriate exercise. These steps can help manage and mitigate the impacts of aging, keeping your horse comfortable and content for as long as possible.

If you notice any signs that your horse is struggling to cope with the changes brought by aging, do not hesitate to consult your veterinary surgeon. A professional can assess your horse’s condition and recommend appropriate interventions to address their specific health needs. By staying proactive and attentive to your horse’s evolving requirements, you can ensure that they enjoy their senior years with the same vitality and joy they have given you throughout their life.