The Geriatric Horse

From a recent survey carried out by the Veteran Horse Society, over 30% of the horses in the United Kingdom are over the age of 15. With available advanced technology and better feeds on the market it is not unusual to see horses alive and active well into their 20’s and 30’s.

As our horses get older, we can become more emotionally attached to them. This is because they have often given us years of loyal service and therefore have become members of our families. For this reason we must take extra care in understanding them in their advancing years.

As the horse ages, they become more susceptible to disease, the detrimental effects of parasitism, dental problems from worn out teeth and their body systems function less effectively. To make matters worse, age related disorders start to occur. It is your responsibility to ensure a proper diet, good health care and regular exercise to keep them happy and hold these problems at bay. If you are concerned that your horse does not seem to be coping as well as they used to do consult your veterinary surgeon who will advise you on the appropriate steps to take.