Equine Dentistry

Horses, unlike cats, dogs, and humans, have a unique equine dentistry characteristics where their teeth erupt continuously throughout much of their lifespan. This continuous eruption, however, is limited by the fact that horses are born with a finite amount of tooth material, in contrast to certain rodent species whose teeth grow indefinitely. Over millions of years, evolution has adapted horses to their natural environment by providing them with large, durable grinding teeth. These teeth are perfectly suited for the horse’s natural diet, which consists of long periods of grazing on tough grasses. The horse’s dentition is thus highly specialised to endure the constant wear from grinding fibrous plant material, enabling them to extract maximum nutrition from their food.

However, the traits that make horse teeth ideal for grazing can pose challenges in a domesticated setting. Domesticated horses, especially those kept in stables, spend significantly less time chewing compared to their free-range counterparts. The diet of stabled horses often includes processed feeds and concentrates, which require less chewing and alter the natural chewing movements. This deviation from their natural feeding habits can disrupt the balance between tooth eruption and wear. As a result, horses may develop sharp points, uneven wear, or overgrown teeth, which can lead to discomfort, difficulty in eating, and even behavioural issues.

To prevent these equine dentistry problems and ensure the well-being of the horse, routine dental care at Thrums is essential. Regular dental check-ups and treatments, such as floating (filing down sharp edges), can help maintain the natural balance of tooth wear and eruption. Moreover, proper dental care is not only crucial for the horse’s overall health but also for optimising the performance of athletic horses. A well-maintained mouth can improve head carriage, responsiveness to the bit, and overall comfort, which are all critical for horses involved in competitive sports or rigorous training. By addressing dental issues, owners can enhance their horse’s quality of life and ensure they remain healthy, happy, and capable of performing at their best.